VS Mirrors
| 01/12/2008
| 20:27 PST - routetwo
Some of the
download links are not working so here is a few working links.
Windows VS
VI Full Install:
Linux VS VI
Full Install:
No doubt these
links will die as soon as I post this :)
Congrats zubie
btw. See you on Deviant Element maybe?
VS News
| 8/28/2006
| 15:04 PST - routetwo
Front page
is back, I think IGN moved things around or something and
the news broke so I've changed the way it works to get it
back. The new direct URL for the site is
VI Released
| 9/6/2004 |
14:09 PST - routetwo
We are pleased
to announce the release of Vampire Slayer : Chapter VI.
Chapter VI for Windows from FilePlanet (141,549,330 bytes)
Download Chapter VI for
Windows from raz0r.net(141,549,330 bytes)
Download Chapter
VI for Windows from the vsunion.com (141,549,330 bytes)
Download Chapter
VI for Windows from DJ Kill (141,549,330 bytes)
Chapter VI for Windows from www.daddeln.de (141,549,330 bytes)
Chapter VI for Linux from FilePlanet (143,197,222 bytes)
Chapter VI for Linux from DJ Kill (143,197,222 bytes)
Chapter VI for Linux from www.daddeln.de (143,197,222 bytes)
This is likely to be the final version of Vampire Slayer so
I would like to take this opportunity to thank those who have
helped over the last four years make the game what it was, what
it is and what it will continue to be in Chapter VI.
Firstly, my incredible graphics partner Katharii, who through
many obstacles has always given one hundred percent.
Secondly, thanks to Rich Taylor who has always done exactly
what was required, often at short notice, to provide me with
the finest of Linux builds.
Thanks to all the wonderful mappers who have contributed official
maps over the years. Lily, CheeryE, JMW, Ghostly, Tyrant, Jinx,
Father Brandon, Magilla, Slayer, Yamazaki, Chris Amatangello,
Fish Bulb, Mika Lipasti and MrBunwah.
I would like to thank Sobek for his incredible work behind the
scenes on Vampire Slayer, especially on Chapter VI. I would
also like to thank the Planethalflife staff who have continually
given me great support, all the Valve staff and other mod programmers
on HLCoders, the Wavelength website and it's contributors, the
Wadfather, Rincewind, Benjamin, Virtuoso, Chuck@DNA and to all
server admins everywhere who've ever run a VS server.
Thanks to members of the community who have remained positive,
supportive and enthusiastic and helped out through the chapters,
Ghostly, Razor, Rasak, deZ, Rex, Mari and Milenko.
Atque in perpetuum, frater, aue atque uale!
VI Release Soon
| 9/5/2004 |
00:09 PST - routetwo
I'm planning
on releasing Chapter VI tomorrow (Monday 6th). Here is a list
of the changes:
Added motorbike. (see vs_bike, vs_roadster)
Added new Nina model.
Added team deathmatch mode, mp_dm 0/1 and info_dm
(see vs_noir_ctc,
vs_cloisters_ctc, vs_desolation, vs_bavaria_ctc) Added Half-Life
standard logging.
Added full Steam support to VS.
Added K for kill as default.
Added G for drop current weapons as default.
Added M as changeteam as default.
Changed Capture the Cross scoring: 2 point for stealing the
cross, 1 point for capturing to base, 1 point for returning
a dropped cross.
Changed Edgars invisibilty when walking and running reduced.
Changed Thunder 5 firerate and damage amount.
Change bots to use leap and act better.
Changed cl_smokepuffs to use value. 0=off, n=number of puffs.
Changed cl_bulletspark to use value 0=off, n=number of sparks.
Fixed gaitsequence (vampires and slayers not running backwards
Fixed winchester anim bug.
Fixed spin death stake bug.
Fixed Louis heat vision (using different method).
Fixed Louis sound bug.
Fixed cl_pitchup clamped.
Fixed thirdperson exploit.
Fixed bots to work in steam.
Fixed fog to work steam.
Fixed effects to work steam.
Fixed bug is spread of dbshoutgun, shotgun, uzi, colt, thunder
five and winchester.
Added new map VS_ROADSTER by JMW
Added new map VS_DESOLATION by JMW
Added new map VS_TORMENT by JMW
Added new map VS_FROST by JMW
Added new map VS_BITTEN by JMW
Added new map VS_BAVARIA_CTC by Tyrant
Added new map VS_REVENANT by Jinx
Added new map VS_CLOISTERS_CTC by Lily & r2
Added new map VS_NOIR_CTC by DeepQantas & Jinx (ported over
to VS by Sobek)
and Bike
| 9/3/2004 |
15:09 PST - routetwo
Here are a few
quick renders of Nina on the motorbike that will be featured
in the soon to be released update, Chapter VI.

| 5/28/2004 |
15:05 PST - routetwo
Please welcome
the new Nina created by Katharii. This stunning new model will
be replacing the current Nina model in Chapter VI.
use keys in Steam?
| 5/5/2004 |
01:05 PST - routetwo
I get asked this
a lot so I thought I'd post it. The solution is thanks to Razor.
"Due to a steam bug you won't be able to bind the keys as you
want. This bug affects all mods, not just vampire slayer. To
fix this, download the file below (right click and choose 'save
target as...':
Save it to:
\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\YourEmail\Half-Life\VS\gfx\shell\kb_act.lst
Click yes to overwrite. This bug should now be fixed." |
and Steam
| 9/13/2003 |
13:09 PST - routetwo
To play Vampire
Slayer using steam (assuming you already have installed Chapter
Once you have installed basic 'Steam' and have registered, simply
copy the whole 'vs' folder to
\program files\steam\steamApps\name@email\half-life\vs
Run Steam, choose the 'games' menu. Vampire Slayer should show
up under 'Third Party Games'.
4.1 Released
| 6/20/2002 |
15:06 PST - routetwo
Chapter 4.1 has
been released! |
IV Released
| 6/6/2002 |
15:06 PST - routetwo
Chapter IV has
been released!
2.0b Server Patch
| 6/30/2001 |
09:06 PST - routetwo
Here is the server
only patch to fix the FatherD bug. You only need this patch
if you run a VS server.
Win32 version: vsv2b_server.zip
Linux Version: vs_l-2.0b_so.tgz
(431K) |
2.0 Released
| 6/28/2001 |
11:06 PST - routetwo
Version 2.0 has
been released.
Download Win32 Full Version here(33M)
Download Linux Full Version here(33M)
There are more links on the downloads
V1.1 Released
| 3/5/2001 |
13:03 PST - routetwo
V1.1 is mostly
bug fixes but has some additions, plus three new maps! |
V1.0 Released
| 2/1/2001 |
13:02 PST - routetwo
Wow! Not only
have we hit planethalflife with our new website, but the mod
is ready for release. You can get v1.0 from the downloads page
right now! The Linux server version is also there!
Download now! And get Slaying!